Specific about convolution, there is a faster implementation in Theano:


It allow you to do multiple convolution at the same time.

There is a parallel implementation, but sometimes, it speed things up, but othertimes, it slow things down.


p.s. I'm a Theano developer.

On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 6:08 AM, Sai Rajeshwar <rajsai24@gmail.com> wrote:
hi all,

   im trying to optimise a python code takes huge amount of time on scipy functions such as scipy.signa.conv. Following are some of my queries regarding the same.. It would be great to hear from you..  thanks..
  1) Can Scipy take advantage of multi-cores.. if so how
2)what are ways we can improve the performance of scipy/numpy functions eg: using openmp, mpi etc
3)If scipy internally use blas/mkl libraries can we enable parallelism through these?

looks like i have to work on internals of scipy.. thanks a lot..

with regards..

M. Sai Rajeswar
M-tech  Computer Technology
IIT Delhi
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