On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 7:52 AM, Christopher Jordan-Squire <cjordan1@uw.edu> wrote:
For scipy stats, is there anything on the table regarding somehow
unifying the sampling in numpy.random and the distributions in
scipy.stats? I'm specifically thinking of two issues:

(1) There's a lot of duplication between numpy.random and scipy.stats
but with different interfaces. This seems like something that ideally
would be reduced.

numpy.random only provides sampling and only has about half the distributions of scipy.stats. Sampling is really only a small part of what scipy.stats provides (pdf, cdf, moments, fitting a distribution, etc.). So I'm not bothered by that duplication. If we'd want to reduce it I think it would have to be removed from numpy, which doesn't sound like a good idea.
(2) The interface for the distributions in scipy.stats seems to
explicitly be for scalar random variables, so there's no multivariate
normals, multinomials, dirichlet, wishart, etc.. Instead the sampling
is in numpy.random, and pdf's aren't there.

Two days ago PR-2726 was merged, which adds a multivariate normal distribution. Others can be added. IIRC there has been an enhancement ticket for wishhart somewhere and there's a Python implementation floating around somewhere.


Has this been discussed elsewhere?

On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Blake Griffith
<blake.a.griffith@gmail.com> wrote:
>> sparse
>> ``````
>> Don't emulate np.matrix behavior, drop 2-D?
> What is meant by this? Emulate np.array instead?
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