statistics for complex valued random variables

This is not scipy specific. How much interest and usefulness is there in supporting statistics for complex random variables in Python? I spent the last 2 weeks trying to figure out regression and statistics for complex random variables. References are mainly in the signal processing literature. But I still have not figured out if there is actually a demand for basic statistics. For example I found very few cases of hypothesis testing with complex random variables in the literature. OLS for complex statistics for complex Example: For means squared error computation, there was a brief discussion whether there should be an `abs` (i.e. conjugate) in the definition. Standard variance uses x.H x as inner product, pseudo-variance uses x.T x. numpy and scipy support the standard variance and covariance but not the pseudo version. If the pseudo-variance is zero, then the random variable is (second order) circular or proper. In that case just looking at conj/hermition products is enough. If the pseudo-variance is not zero, then the statistics for the random variables needs to take the "pseudo" part into account. AFAIK, there is currently no pseudo (co)variance in either numpy or scipy (although they are easy to compute). (Another area that I have not looked at in details is `optimize` for complex valued functions and parameters, even if the objective function is real, like hermitian least squares) The definitions for distributions and statistics for complex random variables that I have seen are all derived from the combined real representation [real, imag]. example circular and non-circular complex normal distribution. The motivation for complex valued statistics is then mainly a convenience when it is easier to work with complex numbers instead of their homomorphic real representation. I looked at this mainly out of curiosity and for fun. I still don't know how useful some "generic" statistics is. There are many applications in the signal processing literature, but most of those seem to be rather specific to signal processing (and not so much in the range of what statsmodels would cover.) Actual implementation could be spread across numpy, scipy.stats and statsmodels similar to other areas of statistics. Josef
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