Strange fastumath behavior.

After recently installing the new SciPy, I'm getting very strange behavior with the function sqrt() in for floating point numbers. With an old installation I get
sqrt(10) 3.1622776601683795
However, with the new version I get
sqrt(10) 9.1706675698104778
I have no idea what changed in fastumath to cause this. It seems more like compiler flags that changed and are now causing incorrect results. I'm just not sure. Any ideas what could have caused this? -Travis

"TO" == Travis Oliphant <> writes:
TO> After recently installing the new SciPy, I'm getting very TO> strange behavior with the function sqrt() in for TO> floating point numbers. Well, FWIW, my install seems to be doing fine on this (and I installed this just yesterday evening). scipy.sqrt, scipy.fastumath.sqrt all give me the same (correct) result. prabhu
participants (2)
Prabhu Ramachandran
Travis Oliphant