Argument to suppress Gimbal Lock Warning in rotations.

Hello SciPy Dev, I recently sent a PR[1] to add a parameter to suppress the Gimbal Lock Warning message when using SciPy's rotation, and I'm coming to the mailing list for advice. The problem I'm encountering is that the typical way of silencing a specific warning would be to warnings.catch_warnings – unfortunately this hits a bug in CPython[2] (that has been open for 5 years and does not seem close to be fixed). And while I typically do not care about warnings being printed in CLI, this creates issues in GUI applications where the messages can get spammed when dragging a camera around – in my case in napari. I don't see any other way to prevent this than to add a keyword only to rotation's methods to not emit the warning. Your thoughts are appreciated. Thanks, -- Matthias 1: 2:
participants (1)
Matthias Bussonnier