Hi All, On behalf of the xtensor development team, I am pleased to announce the release of xtensor 0.4.1. xtensor is C++ tensor algebra library supporting numpy-style broadcasting and universal functions in C++. The xtensor-python project enables viewing numpy arrays as xtensor expressions, exposing an STL-compliant API and making xtensor a very simple tool for C++ Python extension authors to operate on numpy data structures. More than an array manipulation library, xtensor is a lazy expression system. Results of universal functions such as xt::where() don't hold any value and are only evaluated upon access or when assigned to a container. This also enables the use of other data structures as xtensor expressions through adaptors. xtensor can easily be installed with conda conda install xtensor -c conda-forge Highlights of the 0.4.1 release: - support for newaxis in xtensor views. - new xtensor::random module similar to that of numpy. - support for numpy-style pretty-print of xtensor expressions. New contributors are welcome to join us at https://github.com/ QuantStack/xtensor A comprehensive documentation is available at http://xtensor.readthedocs.org Thanks, Sylvain
participants (1)
Sylvain Corlay