Type handling of matrices

Hi all, Is there something like isspd in scipy -- that is a test for real symmetric positive definite matrices ? A Cholesky factorization can be used for this task. If it exists the matrix is spd. Nils I found Type handling ============== iscomplexobj -- Test for complex object, scalar result isrealobj -- Test for real object, scalar result iscomplex -- Test for complex elements, array result isreal -- Test for real elements, array result imag -- Imaginary part real -- Real part real_if_close -- Turns complex number with tiny imaginary part to real isneginf -- Tests for negative infinity ---| isposinf -- Tests for positive infinity | isnan -- Tests for nans |---- array results isinf -- Tests for infinity | isfinite -- Tests for finite numbers ---| isscalar -- True if argument is a scalar nan_to_num -- Replaces NaN's with 0 and infinities with large numbers cast -- Dictionary of functions to force cast to each type common_type -- Determine the 'minimum common type code' for a group of arrays mintypecode -- Return minimal allowed common typecode.
participants (1)
Nils Wagner