Zhiwen Chong wrote:
On 13-Jul-05, at 8:45 AM, Howey, David A wrote:
1) can matrices/vectors be handled in the same way (this is the power of matlab of course). eg. the matlab 'dot' notation which operates element by element on matrices. using vectors greatly speeds up code over for loops and makes it more compact.
The situation is the reverse in SciPy. A multiplication of two SciPy array objects defaults to an element-by-element multiplication (dot notation in MATLAB, .*, ./ etc.). If you want to do linear algebra in SciPy, you have to explicitly specify a Matrix object.
Just to note that if you want to use normal numeric arrays, and occasionally need to multiply them as matrices, you can use dot(A,B) without having to turn them into Matrix objects. It's a function call and not an operator, but it may serve better some usage cases where having a Matrix object is unwieldy for other reasons (I personally never use Matrix). Cheers, f