On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Servant Mathieu <servant.mathieu@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear community,

I've the latest python (x,y) distribution ( which incorporates spyder 2.3.2-14 and scipy 0.14.0-7. Unfortunately, I need scipy 0.15 to use the new scipy.optimize.differential_evolution() function. How should I proceed to (easily) update scipy from my spyder?

I don't know how Python(x,y) builds its packages. If you need to upgrade Scipy it's probably best to ask for advice on the Python(x,y) mailing list.

Note though that differential_evolution is pure Python code, so the path of least resistance may be to just take this file: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/scipy/optimize/_differentialevolution.py and add an import to optimize/__init__.py to make the function available in your current install.
