Hi folks, 

I'm working on the integration of a function like:

K(r,t) = 1/(2piDr)exp[-r^2/Dt]                       [1]

over Voronoi cells (r is the distance from the point at which is associated the cell). 

I googled a lot and I found this two useful hints: 



but I'm still not able to understand how I should do this integration.
I have the function that returns the segments ( list of   [(x_star,y_start),(x_sop,y,stop)] ) necessary to construct the Voronoi cells
associated to a set of points. 

Could someone suggest how to proceed ? 

There's also a numerical problem connected with the integration due to the singularity in r==0.

Could you suggest which is a reasonable stable integration method available in scipy 
that could handle the function [1]?
