Hi list,

Currently, I am trying to fit a quadratic curve to a data set which has much larger errors in the x than in the y direction. My errors are assumed to be normally distributed and I want to estimate the confidence interval of the fitted parameters. I have fitted the data two different ways. 1) I neglect the x errors and fit the quadratic by minimizing the weighted residuals (y -f) / sig_y via scipy.optimize.leastsq and 2) I use scipy.odr to fit the parameters. Both result similar fitted parameters.

Now I am stuck with estimating the confidence intervals on these errors and I have a couple of questions. For method 1) the reduced chi squared is bad (much larger then 1), because when neglecting the x errors, none of the points actually lie within a couple of standard deviations on the line. However when including the x-errors they all fall nicely onto the line.

Is there a way for me to include the x errors into my minimization and goodness of fit estimation via the reduced chi-squared? I came across a remark in the CERN minuit documentation [1], that seemed to approximate the function by a line over the point and then use this to convert x to y errors. I also read something like this in numerical recipes [2], but not for general least squares (only for the case of linear data). Does anyone have any pointers into that direction?

My second question is related to method 2). Is there a way of accessing the goodness of fit for ODR, similar to calculating the reduced chi-squared for a fit that only has errors in the y? Another question along this line concerns the scipy.odr.ODR.Output.sd_beta attribute. In the docstring it says it is the standard error of the parameter, does that mean a 1 standard deviation confidence interval? And how exactly are they calculated. Tried to look at the source and in the odrpack guide, but unfortunately couldn't figure that out.

I somehow have the feeling, that my problem should be quite standard (goodness of fit with both x and y errors), but so far I could not find a good explanation. Any pointers to textbooks or resources on the web would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


[1] http://wwwasd.web.cern.ch/wwwasd/cgi-bin/listpawfaqs.pl/27
[2] Numerical Recipes in C, Second Edition, Chapter 15.3 "Straight-Line Data with Errors in Both Coordinate"