            I have looked at both these answers from SO - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34428886/discrete-fourier-transformation-from-a-list-of-x-y-points/34432195#34432195 and https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25735153/plotting-a-fast-fourier-transform-in-python/25735436#25735436

My question is somewhat similar. I have data from a CSV file that has measurements of a mean sea level pressure. The data is available every 5 minutes. That means 8928 sample points over a month. But during a hurricane event there was a power failure and only 8867 data points are available. I am short by 61 points to get a uniformly spaced sample.  I am wanting to take an FFT of the data in order to check for periodicity, waves and frequencies there of. What are my best options ? 

Best regards,