Thanks Nils.  I will install and investigate openopt.  This looks like a very exciting development.

Others:  I would still like to understand why I am not being successful with scipy.optimize.  Was I wrong to think that NCG could handle my constraint, even when I am providing the Hessian matrix?



On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Nils Wagner <> wrote:
On Fri, 21 Nov 2008 12:10:41 +0000
 "Gísli Óttarsson" <> wrote:
Hello all.

I am a relatively new user of python and scipy and I have been trying
out scipy's optimization facilities.  I am using scipy version 0.6.0,
as distributed with Ubuntu 8.04.

My exploration has centered around the minimization of x*x*y, subject
to the equality constraint 2*x*x+y*y=3.  In my experience, this
problem is solved by introducing a Lagrange multiplier and minimizing
the Lagrangian:

L = x*x*y - lambda * ( 2*x*x+y*y-3 )

I have had no problem finding the desired solution via Newton-Raphson
using the function and its first and second derivatives:

import scipy.optimize as opt
import numpy
import numpy.linalg as l

def f(r):
  return x*x*y  -lam*(2*x*x+y*y-3)

def g(r):
  return numpy.array([2*x*y-4*lam*x, x*x-2*lam*y, -(2*x*x+y*y-3)])

def h(r):
  return numpy.mat([[2.*y-4.*lam, 2.*x,

def NR(f, g, h, x0, tol=1e-5, maxit=100):
  "Find a local extremum of f (a root of g) using Newton-Raphson"
  x1 = numpy.asarray(x0)
  f1 = f(x1)
  for i in range(0,maxit):
      dx = l.solve(h(x1),g(x1))
      ldx = numpy.sqrt(,dx))
      x2 = x1-dx
      f2 = f(x2)
      if(ldx < tol): # x is close enough
          df = numpy.abs(f1-f2)
          if(df < tol): # f is close enough
              return x2, f2, df, ldx, i
  return x2, f2, df, ldx, i

print NR(f,g,h,[-2.,2.,3.],tol=1e-10)

My Newton-Raphson iteration converges in 5 iterations, but I have had
no success using any of the functions in scipy.optimize, for example:

print opt.fmin_bfgs(f=f, x0=[-2.,2.,3.], fprime=g)
print opt.fmin_ncg(f=f, x0=[-2.,2.,3.], fprime=g, fhess=h)

neither of which converges.

I am beginning to suspect some fundamental misunderstanding on my
part.  Could someone throw me a bone?

Best regards

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