Gael Varoquaux wrote:
On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 06:24:12PM +0100, Stef Mientki wrote:
The main recommendation I would make to anyone writing data-acquisition
stuff in python is Use Traits/TraitsUI! The ability to auto-generate a
GUI to configure hardware objects based on their Traits definitions is a
*huge* productivity saving. 

You might be quit right,
I've heard this reasoning more than once,
but ....
... I'm looking at the wrong documents
... I'm simply too stupid
... I'm a completely spoiled windows user
but I really really don't understand one bit of Traits :-(

Have you tried looking at:
I wrote it specificaly targetting someone with no prior knowledge of GUI
developement or even object oriented programming.

thanks Gael, I didn't know these manuals,
but I think I'm still missing the clue completely.

What I understand is that traits is a smart replacement of   "*arg, **kwargs"
(which I've never used either).
But being a smart replacement, it also makes it a complex / difficult replacement.

As far as I understand,
your presentation is about how you can easily create a GUI interface with Traits.
Please don't understand me wrong, I don't want to upset you,
I think you're very valuable contributor to both this list and the Python community,
but as follower of the KISS principle, again I don't understand it.

Please tell me in 2 lines what's the essential difference between TraitsUI in your presentation,
and the lines below (note that  with a little effort even "Types" can be removed),
so maybe I can add those essentials to my code,
or even might switch to traits ;-)

    Names  = [ 'For All Signals', 'AutoScale', 'Upper Value', 'Lower Value' ]
    Values = [  False,             True,        200,           20 ]
    Types  = [  bool,              bool ]
    OK, Values = MultiLineDialog ( Names, Values, Types,
                                   'Set Border Values',
                                   width = 70 )

