On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 12:48 AM, Brian Merchant <bhmerchant@gmail.com> wrote:
music21 (http://web.mit.edu/music21/) is in active development, and meant for music analysis and procedural generation...I don't know if it meets the numpy requirement though. From the simple glance that I gave its docs, I don't think it does...but I simply add it to the pile of "possibles", just in case I am wrong. 

I too am very interested in your question, so I am glad you asked it. I hope someone is able to come up with a good answer!

It doesn't appear to support numpy, and seems to be designed for producing music, rather than playing raw waveforms.
On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 2:27 PM, Tiziano Zito <opossumnano@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue 24 Mar, 21:39, Todd <toddrjen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is anyone aware of a well-maintained, simple, cross-platform python package
> that can play a numpy array as sound over speakers?
Not exactly what you are looking for, not cross-platform, but may be of inspiration:



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