Just curious--is it safe to use the assert statement for anything beyond debugging in case someone actually runs with optimization?


On Jan 31, 2008 3:00 AM, Mclean Edwards <mcleane@math.ubc.ca> wrote:

To make up for my earlier response, I have coded a small timer routine
that generates a 1000x1000 uniformly random matrix with values between 0
and 1 (using cvxopt), then tests the code suggested 10 000 times each
with randomly generated diagonal vectors.

I have a slow system, but the averaged results are:

0.8 seconds to run David's striding code (in place modification)

6 seconds to run Anne's code

18 seconds to run a for-loop

This is an impressive speed up.

For smaller matrices (100x100) there is still one order of magnitude
between for-next loops and the suggested setdiag.

Code available upon request (requires cvxopt).


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