On Mar 24, 2015 9:51 PM, "Kiko" <kikocorreoso@gmail.com> wrote:
2015-03-24 21:39 GMT+01:00 Todd <toddrjen@gmail.com>:
Is anyone aware of a well-maintained, simple, cross-platform python
package that can play a numpy array as sound over speakers?
I am aware of https://wiki.python.org/moin/Audio/. However, in all the
cases there, as far as I can find they either do not support numpy arrays, are not cross-platform, cannot playback sound at all, or are unmaintained. There is also PySoundCard, which would do what I need but also appears to be unmaintained (no release in over a year, and no commits in 5 months, no release with serious bugfixes mentioned in commits).
Could this be useful for your use case? http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/ipython/ipython/blob/2.x/examples/Interac...
Sorry, I should have been more specific. I am really looking for a way to play audio as part of a script. Your link would certainly work for playing back sound in an interactive manner in a notebook. However, it is not really useful as part general-purpose script or function, or when control of the playback is needed. Thank you, though, that is certainly very useful in many situations.