Thank you Dmitrey,
I downloaded the latest tarball (uploaded 08/04/08 00:54:17) and installed it.
Before installing, I erased the older version from the site-packages.
However, the ralg still crashes, at least under windows.
I did not find the bug you mentioned in
Could it be that the bug is caused by my numpy version ?
(on windows I use 1.04 that came with the enthought suite)


On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 1:59 AM, dmitrey <> wrote:
Hi Eli,
It seems the bug was due to svn conflict changes
(check your scikits/openopt/solvers/UkrOpt/, line 156, svn has
put "<<<<<<< .mine" there).
Try now latest tarball (or use download from subversion, the bug was
absent there)

> Another small request concerning OpenOpt.
> Is it possible to provide an example for use of scipy_tnc and
> scipy_lbfgsb from openopt ?
> Can these solvers work with linear equality constraints ?
Examples are absolutely same to nlp1, nlp2, nlp3, nlp_bench_1,
nlp_bench_2 etc.
But the solvers can use only lb<=x<=ub constraints.
Regards, D.

Eli Brosh wrote:
> Hello,
> I encountered problems with the ralg solver in OpenOpt.
> the example, supplied with the OpenOpt library crashed on two
> computers.
> On an ubuntu linux machine, the program simply stopped without further
> information.
> On a windows machine, with entought suite, there was a windows error
> message "pythonw caused a fatal error and it will be closed".
> The problem disappeared when I erased ralg from the solvers list. It
> did not occur with lincher and scipy_cobyla
> solvers.
> On both machines, the openopt installation was from the latest tarball
> (no more than week old).
> What is the problem ?
> Can it be corrected ?

> Thanks
> Eli

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