Zane (and everyone else),

You might be interested in trying VFGEN (  I just released version 2.2.0.  VFGEN is a program that takes an XML description of a vector field (i.e. differential equations) and generates code for a wide variety of numerical software packages, including SciPy.

A simple example is the damped pendulum:
   è' = v
   v' =  -b*v/(m*L^2) - (g/L)*sin(è)

An XML vector field file for this system is

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    Description="Pendulum Vector Field">
    Description="gravitational constant"
    DefaultValue="9.81" />
    Description="friction constant"
    DefaultValue="0.0" />
    Description="pendulum length"
    DefaultValue="1.0" />
    DefaultValue="1.0" />
    Description="Angle, measured from straight down"
    DefaultInitialCondition="Pi-0.01" />
    Description="angular velocity"
    DefaultInitialCondition="0.0" />
    Description="total energy (kinetic plus potential)"
    Formula="m*L^2*v^2/2 - m*g*L*cos(theta)" />

The VFGEN scipy command reads this file and generates this Python code:

# Python file for the vector field named: pendulum
# This file implements the vector field as
# the function pendulum_vf.  This function
# can be used with the SciPy ODEINT function.
# This file was generated by the program VFGEN (Version:2.2.0)
# Generated on 17-Mar-2008 at 00:48

from math import *
import numpy

# The vector field.

def pendulum_vf(y_,t_,p_):
    The vector field function for the vector field "pendulum"
    Pi = pi
    theta      = y_[0]
    v          = y_[1]

    g          = p_[0]
    b          = p_[1]
    L          = p_[2]
    m          = p_[3]

    f_ = numpy.zeros((2,))
    f_[0] = v
    f_[1] = -sin(theta)/L*g-1.0/m/(L*L)*b*v

    return f_

#  The Jacobian.

def pendulum_jac(y_, t_, p_):
    The Jacobian of the vector field "pendulum"
    Pi = pi
    theta      = y_[0]
    v          = y_[1]
    g          = p_[0]
    b          = p_[1]
    L          = p_[2]
    m          = p_[3]

    # Create the Jacobian matrix:
    jac_ = numpy.zeros((2,2))
    jac_[0,1] = 1.0
    jac_[1,0] = -1.0/L*cos(theta)*g
    jac_[1,1] = -1.0/m/(L*L)*b
    return jac_

# User function: energy

def pendulum_energy(y_, t_, p_):
    The user-defined function "energy" for the vector field "pendulum"
    Pi = pi
    theta      = y_[0]
    v          = y_[1]

    g          = p_[0]
    b          = p_[1]
    L          = p_[2]
    m          = p_[3]

    return  m*(L*L)*(v*v)/2.0-m*L*cos(theta)*g


VFGEN can also generate a simple command-line solver written in Python that uses the above function to solve the initial value problem.  Take a look here:

If you decide you would like to use a different package (e.g. MATLAB, Scilab, C with CVODE or with the GNU Scientific Library, Fortran with LSODA or RADAU5, etc), another one-line VFGEN command will generate the code that you need.

Best regards,

Warren Weckesser