Sounds like an awesome platform!

another emphatic vote for

and in no particular order:
django (and possibly associated modules like django-south)
pyro (I use this for both control of remote devices, and as the basis of a distributed analysis backend)
pyserial (not sure how relevant this is on your platform)

(Some of these have a bit of a web app type slant, but figure that this might be where you're looking to go anyway - I've got a neat temperature monitoring app which produces temperature history graphs with a web interface using numpy, scipy, matplotlib, django  and an SQL database on a server.  This is linked via pyro to a second computer which runs some custom driver code for an obscure ADC board that monitors the temperature sensors. )

From: Ralf Gommers <>
To: SciPy Users List <>
Sent: Sunday, 24 June 2012 11:38 PM
Subject: Re: [SciPy-User] Useful libraries beyond numpy and scipy?

On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 3:40 AM, Brandon Stafford <> wrote:
Hi all,

I've been working on a small board for scientists (and artists) that
runs Python. The idea is to make something like an Arduino, but beefed
up to handle real web traffic. Some background on the board at and
more at

Looks awesome, thanks for sharing.

I'm shipping boards with scipy and numpy preinstalled, and I'm
wondering what other libraries complement those two well. I'm aware of
(and actually have a library of my own listed on) the list at but it's hard to tell what's
both mature and widely used.

What are the top 3 or 4 libraries you use, either for control during
experiments or for data analysis?

For data analysis scikit-image, statsmodels and scikit-learn would be high on my list. Plus matplotlib, to not have to learn jQplot.


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