Hi, I am just getting started with scipy (using 0.5.2), and I need to read large amounts of fortran77 unformatted data that comes out of our simulation code. Searching the web, it appears there used to be a class called fopen which had some fort_read methods which would do what I need. However, the source for this info is several years old. If I do a import scipy.io help(scipy.io) I get a hopeful message about fopen, but it doesn't seem to exist: In [2]: test = scipy.io.fopen('test.dat') ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- exceptions.AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/joishi/<ipython console> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'fopen' Additionally, grepping through Lib/io/numpyiomodule.c seems to reveal nothing about fopen. Has it been expunged from scipy? If so, is there any way to read f77 unformatted binary? thanks, j
participants (1)
J Oishi