On 2017-01-12 18:07, Wes Turner wrote:
On Thursday, January 12, 2017, Cory Benfield <cory@lukasa.co.uk <mailto:cory@lukasa.co.uk>> wrote:
On 11 Jan 2017, at 21:44, Wes Turner <wes.turner@gmail.com <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','wes.turner@gmail.com');>> wrote:
This may be a bit of a different use case (and possibly worth having in the first version of a new tls module):
"Hitless TLS Certificate Rotation in Go" https://diogomonica.com/2017/01/11/hitless-tls-certificate-rotation-in-go/ <https://diogomonica.com/2017/01/11/hitless-tls-certificate-rotation-in-go/>
- Can/could this be done with only set_sni_callback ?
Yes, it can be. Twisted has an extension module, txsni, that uses the SNI callback to choose which certificate to provide.
This is basically identical to the Go GetCertificate callback function.
There's more config than just the cert, though. There are really two reqs mentioned: SNI (Server Name Indication), and "hot" TLS config detection/selection:
""" The idea is to allow an administrator to force the whole cluster to migrate away from an old root CA transparently, removing its existence from the trust stores of all the nodes participating in the Swarm. This means that we need control over the whole TLS config, instead of controlling only which certificate is currently being served. """ '"" We chose to create a MutableTLSCreds <https://github.com/docker/swarmkit/blob/master/ca/transport.go> struct, which implements this TransportCredentials <https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc/credentials> interface and allows the caller to simply change the TLS Config by calling |LoadNewTLSConfig|. """
IIUC, we'd currently have to create a new context to change any config other than the cert?
Such advanced features are out-of-scope for the PEP. Please remember that any additional features makes it way more complicated for implementers. Personally I would rather remove half of the PEP than add new things. For pip, requests, and similar libraries only a subset of the features are really required: * ClientContext.wrap_socket() * a function like create_default_context() to create a client context that either loads a CA file or the system's trust store * TLSError * TLSWrappedSocket with socket.socket API Cory likes to define the API the additional features and server-side TLS. I consider it useful, partly advanced and nice-to-have, but not mandatory to solve the immediate issue we are facing now. [1] Let's keep it simple. We can always define an enhanced superset of the TLS ABC later. But we cannot remove features or change API in an incompatible way later. Christian https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2017-January/029970.html