The new exception would potentially be encountered in the following situations:
* Python code calling these APIs during Linux system initialization
I'm not sure that there is such use case in practice. Can you please try to describe an use case where you would need blocking system urandom *during the Python initialization*? It looks like my use case 1, but I consider that os.urandom() is *not* called on such use case: https://haypo-notes.readthedocs.io/pep_random.html#use-case-1-init-script
* Python code running on improperly initialized Linux systems (e.g. embedded hardware without adequate sources of entropy to seed the system random number generator, or Linux VMs that aren't configured to accept entropy from the VM host)
If the program doesn't use os.urandom(), well, we don't care, there is no issue :-) IMO the interesting use case is when the application really requires secure secret. That's my use case 2, a web server: https://haypo-notes.readthedocs.io/pep_random.html#use-case-2-web-server I chose to not give the choice to the developer and block on such case. IMO it's accepable because the application should not have to wait forever for urandom.
Changing ``os.urandom()`` on Linux ----------------------------------
This PEP proposes that in Python 3.6+, ``os.urandom()`` be updated to call the new Linux ``getrandom()`` syscall in non-blocking mode if available and raise ``BlockingIOError: system random number generator is not ready`` if the kernel reports that the call would block.
To be clear, the behaviour is unchanged on other platforms, right? I'm just trying to understand the scope of the PEP. It looks like as mine, it is written for Linux. (Even if other platforms may implement the same behaviour later, if needed.) If it's deliberate to restrict to Linux, you may be more explicit at least in the abstract. -- By the way, are you aware of other programming languages or applications using an exception when random would block? (It's not a requirement, I'm just curious.)
By contrast, if ``BlockingIOError`` is raised in those situations, then developers using Python 3.6+ can easily choose their desired behaviour:
1. Loop until the call succeeds (security sensitive)
Is this case different from a blocking os.urandom()?
2. Switch to using the random module (non-security sensitive)
Hum, I disagree on this point. I don't think that you should start with os.urandom() to fallback on random. In fact, I only know *one* use case for this: create the random.Random instance when the random module is imported. In my PEP, I proposed to have a special case for random.Random constructor, implemented in C (to not have to expose anything at the Python level).
3. Switch to reading ``/dev/urandom`` directly (non-security sensitive)
It is what I propose for the random.Random constructor when the random module is imported. Again, the question is if there is a real use case for it. And if yes, if the use case common enough to justify the change? The extreme case is that all applications using os.urandom() would need to be modifiy to add a try/except BlockingIOError. I only exagerate to try to understand the impact of your PEP. I only that only a few applications will use such try/except in practice. As I tried to explain in my PEP, with Python 3.5.2, "the bug" (block on random) became very unlikely.
Issuing a warning for potentially predictable internal hash initialization
I don't recall Python logging warnings for similar issues. But I don't recall similar issues neither :-)
The challenge for internal hash initialization is that it might be very important to initialize SipHash with a reliably unpredictable random seed (for processes that are exposed to potentially hostile input) or it might be totally unimportant (for processes that never have to deal with untrusted data).
From what I read, /dev/urandom is good even before it is considered as initialized, because the kernel collects various data, but don't increase the entropy estimator.
I'm not completely convinced that a warning is needed. I'm not against it neither. I am doubtful. :-) Well, let's say that we have a warning. What should the user do in such case? Is it an advice to dig the urandom issue and try to get more entropy? The warning is for users, no? I imagine that an application can work perfectly for the developer, but only emit the warning for some users depending how the deploy their application.
However, at the same time, since Python has no way to know whether any given invocation needs to handle untrusted data, when the default SipHash initialization fails this *might* indicate a genuine security problem, which should not be allowed to pass silently.
An alternative would be to provide a read-only flag which would indicate if the hash secret is considered as "secure" or not. Applications considered by security would check the flag and decide themself to emit a warning or not.
Accordingly, if internal hash initialization needs to fall back to a potentially predictable seed due to the system random number generator not being ready, it will also emit a warning message on ``stderr`` to say that the system random number generator is not available and that processing potentially hostile untrusted data should be avoided.
I know that many of you disagree with me, but I'm not sure that the hash DoS is an important issue. We should not overestimate the importance of this vulnerability.
Affected security sensitive applications ----------------------------------------
Security sensitive applications would need to either change their system configuration so the application is only started after the operating system random number generator is ready for security sensitive operations, or else change their code to busy loop until the operating system is ready::
def blocking_urandom(num_bytes): while True: try: return os.urandom(num_bytes) except BlockingIOError: pass
Such busy-loop may use a lot of CPU :-/ You need a time.sleep() or something like that, no? A blocking os.urandom() doesn't have such issue ;-) Is it possible that os.urandom() works, but the following os.urandom() call raises a BlockingIOError? If yes, there is an issue with "partial read", we should uses a dedicated exception to return partial data. Hopefully, I understood that the issue doesn't occur in pratice. os.urandom() starts with BlockingIOError. But once it "works", it will work forever. Well, at least on Linux. I don't know how Solaris behaves. I hope that it behaves as Linux (once it works, it always works). At least, I see that Solaris getrandom() can also fails with EAGAIN.
Affected non-security sensitive applications --------------------------------------------
Non-security sensitive applications that don't want to assume access to ``/dev/urandom`` (or assume a non-blocking implementation of that device) can be updated to use the ``random`` module as a fallback option::
def pseudorandom_fallback(num_bytes): try: return os.urandom(num_bytes) except BlockingIOError: random.getrandbits(num_bytes*8).to_bytes(num_bytes, "little")
Depending on the application, it may also be appropriate to skip accessing ``os.urandom`` at all, and instead rely solely on the ``random`` module.
Hum, I dislike such change. It overcomplicates applications for a corner-case. If you use os.urandom(), you already expect security. I prefer to simplify use cases to two cases: (1) you really need security (2) you really don't care of security. If you don't care, use directly the random module. Don't bother with os.urandom() nor having to add try/except BlockingIOError. No? I *hope* that a regular application will never see BlockingIOError on os.urandom() in the wild.
Affected Linux specific non-security sensitive applications -----------------------------------------------------------
Non-security sensitive applications that don't need to worry about cross platform compatibility and are willing to assume that ``/dev/urandom`` on Linux will always retain its current behaviour can be updated to access ``/dev/urandom`` directly::
def dev_urandom(num_bytes): with open("/dev/urandom", "rb") as f: return f.read(num_bytes)
Again, I'm against adding such complexity for a corner case. Just use os.urandom().
For additional background details beyond those captured in this PEP, also see Victor Stinner's summary at http://haypo-notes.readthedocs.io/pep_random.html
Oh, I didn't expect to have references to my document :-) I moved it to: https://haypo-notes.readthedocs.io/summary_python_random_issue.html http://haypo-notes.readthedocs.io/pep_random.html is now really a PEP ;-) Victor