Hi again!
I have taken the isympy code (interactive sympy shell based on ipython),
tweaked it, and called isfepy - the interactive sfepy shell. It is still
very preliminary, but it opens new possibilities of how sfepy could be
deployed, and even now it is usable for the basic stuff, like:
In [1]: pb, vec, data = pde_solve('input/poisson.py')
In [2]: view = Viewer(pb.get_output_name())
In [3]: view()
[1] solves a Poisson equation in 3D by the finite elements, [2]
constructs a mayavi2 viewer, and [3] displays the results using the
mayavi's mlab.show(). Of course, [1] should work for other input files too.
In this way one can quickly run simple problem inputs and view the
results immediately.
Could you try it, please, when you have some spare moments? The plotting
requires mayavi2 (at least 3.1.0), but it is not mandatory - only the
step [3] will do nothing.