It's a great tool you built there! I'd like to use it for some kind of
topology optimisation.
Is there an "idiomatic" way to set the material parameters of individual
Thank you very much!
Dear Robert,
I have a 2D body of hyperelastic material which contracts and I would like
to compute the total force developed by the body from the cauchy stress. I
am trying to follow some of your indications I found in this group, but I
still couldn't make it works. Could you please help me to fix the problem?
I am getting the following error:
key = (region.name, integral.order, integration)
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'name'
I am trying to do the following, inside …
[View More]stress_strain post-processing
def stress_strain(out, problem, state, extend = False ):
from sfepy.base.base import Struct
from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import StressTransform
from sfepy.mechanics.tensors import transform_data
from sfepy.discrete.common.mappings import get_normals
ev = problem.evaluate
field = problem.fields['displacement']
region = problem.domain.regions['Gamma']
integral = problem.integrals['i2']
n = get_normals(field,integral,regions)
stress = ev('dw_tl_fib_a.1.Omega(f1.fmax, f1.eps_opt, f1.s, f1.fdir,
f1.act, v, u )',mode='qp', term_mode= 'stress');
F = ev('ev_def_grad.1.Omega(u)',mode='el_avg');
transform = StressTransform(F)
Cstress = transform.get_cauchy_from_2pk(stress)
T = Cstress*n;
Force = ev('ev_surface_integrate.2.Gamma(T)')
And here it is part of the problem configuration file.
fields = {
'displacement': ('real', 'vector', 'Omega', 1),
materials = {
'solid' : (None, 'get_elastic_pars'),
'load' : (None, 'linear_tension'),
'f1' : 'get_pars_fibres1',
variables = {
'u': ('unknown field', 'displacement', 0),
'v': ('test field', 'displacement', 'u'),
regions = {
'Omega' : 'all',
'Fix1' : ('vertices in x < %.10f' % (fix_point + eps2), 'facet'),
'Fix2' : ('vertices in x > %.10f' % (fix_point - eps2), 'facet'),
'Fix' : ('r.Fix1 *v r.Fix2', 'facet'),
'Gamma' : ('vertices of surface','edge'),
ebcs = {
'fixb' : ('Fix', {'u.all' : 0.0}),
integrals = {
'i1' : ('v', 1),
'i2' : ('s', 2),
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I'm extremely interested in this project. It's pretty amazing.
I tried to subscribe to 'mailing list' but after 2 tries I didn't get any
email instructions. If you can help out that would be great.
Also, quick question. Can I model about 1-2M tet-elements (starting with
very simplest linear elast) on an Intel i7 with 32G ram and a pair of new
Nvidia RTX 2060s (or 2080)?
Let's say it's a structure like this (below). I wrote my own code to
generate these meta-structures from STL surfaces.
[View More][image: alcoa mgon bracket.png]
Linked below is another structure in our new 3D interactive viewer:
Note that it can take some time to load and look 'stuck' at 100%. Just wait
a minute it will load.
Thank you very much for this great work, and looking forward to
Please let me know how we can support your work. Visit abemis.com to learn
more about what we are working on.
Best regards,
Todd Doehring, Ph.D.
* Todd Doehring, Ph.D.*
* CEO: ABEMIS LLC (Abemis.com)*
* ABEMIS LLC (http://Abemis.com <http://Abemis.com>)*
* Cleveland, OH, 215-385-4568*
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