On 6/21/08, Ryan Krauss <ryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
I ran into a little trouble with the hg version:
In [1]: run simple.py input/poisson.py _um=<module 'scikits.umfpack._umfpack' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/_umfpack.pyc'> sfe: warning: other missing: ['functions', 'modules', 'epbc_[0-9]+|epbcs', 'lcbc_[0-9]+|lcbcs', 'nbc_[0-9]+|nbcs'] sfe: reading mesh... sfe: ...done in 0.02 s sfe: setting up domain edges... sfe: ...done in 0.01 s sfe: setting up domain faces... sfe: ...done in 0.01 s sfe: creating regions... sfe: leaf Gamma_Right region_4 sfe: leaf Omega region_1000 sfe: leaf Gamma_Left region_03 sfe: ...done in 0.04 s sfe: equation "Temperature": sfe: dw_laplace.i1.Omega( coef.val, s, t ) = 0 sfe: describing geometries... sfe: ...done in 0.01 s sfe: setting up dof connectivities... sfe: ...done in 0.00 s sfe: using solvers: nls: newton ls: ls sfe: matrix shape: (300, 300) sfe: assembling matrix graph... sfe: ...done in 0.00 s sfe: matrix structural nonzeros: 3538 (3.93e-02% fill) sfe: updating materials... sfe: coef sfe: ...done in 0.00 s just before UMFPACK_CONTROL just after UMFPACK_CONTROL UMFPACK_CONTROL=20 sfe: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.176265e-01 (rel: 1.000000e+00) sfe: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfe: solve: 0.00 [s] sfe: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfe: nls: iter: 1, residual: 9.921083e-17 (rel: 8.434392e-16)
<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/simple.py in <module>() 107 108 if __name__ == '__main__': --> 109 main() 110 111
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/simple.py in main() 100 setOutputPrefix( opts.outputPrefix ) 101 --> 102 dpb, vecDP, data = solveDirect( conf, options ) 103 104 if hasattr( opts, 'postProcessHookFinal' ): # User postprocessing.
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/sfe/solvers/generic.py in solveDirect(conf, options) 227 # Stationary problem. 228 state, data = solveStationaryOP( pb, conf, --> 229 postProcessHook = postProcessHook ) 230 231 if options.dump:
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/sfe/solvers/generic.py in solveStationaryOP(problem, options, saveResults, ts, postProcessHook) 170 171 if saveResults: --> 172 if options.outputFileNameTrunk: 173 ofnTrunk = options.outputFileNameTrunk 174 else:
<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'ProblemConf' object has no attribute 'outputFileNameTrunk' WARNING: Failure executing file: <simple.py>
It appears that the problem is that these two lines of generic.py don't seem to agree:
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/sfe/solvers/generic.py(229)solveDirect() 228 state, data = solveStationaryOP( pb, conf, --> 229 postProcessHook = postProcessHook ) 230
ipdb> s --Call--
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/sfe/solvers/generic.py(165)solveStationaryOP() 164 # c: 13.06.2008, r: 13.06.2008 --> 165 def solveStationaryOP( problem, options, saveResults = True, ts = None, 166 postProcessHook = None ):
The call to solveStationaryOP passes in pb, conf, ... while the function definition expects problem, options, ...
Is this a bug?
Yes, it is definitely a bug. I am sure Robert will answer this one.
Here is the output of runTests.py: In [5]: run runTests.py <<< directory: tests, test files: 22 tests/test_assembling.py +++ test_vector_matrix: ok tests/test_base.py +++ test_structAdd: ok +++ test_structIAdd: ok tests/test_elasticity_small_strain.py +++ test_get_solution: ok +++ test_linear_terms: ok tests/test_input_kostka.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_le.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_navier_stokes.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_octahedron.py nodes: 100% |############################################| Time: 00:00:00 elements: 100% |#########################################| Time: 00:00:00 +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_pfdpm_permeability.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_poisson.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_sinbc.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_time_poisson.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_io.py +++ test_recursiveDictHDF5: ok /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/scipy/sparse/compressed.py:28: DeprecationWarning: dims= is deprecated, use shape= instead warn("dims= is deprecated, use shape= instead", DeprecationWarning) +++ test_sparseMatrixHDF5: ok tests/test_lcbc_2d.py +++ test_linearRigidBodyBC: ok tests/test_lcbc_3d.py +++ test_linearRigidBodyBC: ok tests/test_linear_solvers.py --- test_solvers: failed! tests/test_meshio.py nodes: 100% |############################################| Time: 00:00:00 elements: 100% |#########################################| Time: 00:00:01 +++ test_readMeshes: ok +++ test_compareSameMeshes: ok tests/test_msm_laplace.py +++ test_msm_laplace: ok tests/test_parsing.py +++ test_parseEquations: ok +++ test_parseRegions: ok tests/test_periodic_bc_2d.py +++ test_pbc: ok tests/test_periodic_bc_3d.py +++ test_pbc: ok tests/test_quadratures.py +++ test_problemCreation: ok tests/test_term_consistency.py +++ test_consistency_d_dw: ok 22 test file(s) executed in 34.30 s, 1 failure(s) of 27 test(s)
There is one failing test. Could you please send the output of
./runTests.py --debug
Thanks, Ondrej