Ryan Krauss wrote:
Thanks. Yeah, I see that the problems are all coming from my input script. User error I guess. I see a few other similar errors and will try the conversion script.
Well, we have made a backwards incompatible change. Such changes are going to happen from time to time, as the code matures. I will try to provide conversion tools, though, so that it is as painless as possible.
I am freaking out a bit that papers for SciPy are due a week from tomorrow. But I have been making some progress reading a really good book:
@book{CookBook, author = {Robert D. Cook and David S. Malkus and Michael E. Plesha and Robert J. Witt}, title = {Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis}, year = {2002}, isbn = {0471356050}, publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons}, }
a real cookbook...
I think I now understand the difference between a weak and a strong formulation and how to get a matrix equation from a potential energy functional. Now I need to try a simple SfePy problem and make sure I understand it. Then I need to create a simulation with two bodies (giving SfePy multi-body dynamics capabilities), write algorithms to detect contact, and get a nonlinear material model working that incorporates large deformations and yielding.
I would start with the nonlinear material model + large deformations - I think we could make it work pretty quickly (in some form). At first, the contact can be modeled just by prescribing displacements.
So, I am obviously not going to be as far as I would like when the paper is due. But I would like to have a good chunk of it done before my presentation at the conference so I don't embarrass myself. The good news is that my summer class is done (once I submit my grades) and I can work on this pretty much full time until SciPy.
I should be available to support you till about august 14 (exception: august 8, Iron Maiden in Prague...), when I am going to take my summer vacation (hiking in mountains) for a little bit more than one week. I am also starting to prepare some reconstruction in my flat, so I may be occasionally late in answering even before the date.