Hi Robert,
Here is the log.
On Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 2:02:55 PM UTC-4, Robert Cimrman wrote:
OK - there could be a problem with the d_diffusion_sa term (it has been changed recently). Do the interactive examples work (like the one in the tutorial)? Do you get the same error when building in place?
Could you run
python setup.py clean
, thenpython setup.py install > build-log.txt 2>&1
and then send me the build-log.txt?Thanks for debugging! r.
On 05/19/2016 06:11 PM, David Brough wrote:
Hi Robert,
I ran
python setup.py clean
removed all of the sfepy installations in C:\Users\Default.Default-PC\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\ , upgraded numpy to 0.10.4 ran the following
python setup.py install
I no longer get an error, but I get a warning.
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In [1]: import sfepy
In [2]: from sfepy import discrete sfepy: WARNING: module
cannot be imported! sfepy: reason: 'module' object has no attribute 'd_diffusion_sa'