Hello SfePy,

May be I am wrong, but it seems that there is an issue with the minus sign before volume integral in Poisson problem definition.

I am trying to solve Poisson problem for the simple analytical function $u(x) = x^2$, so the $\Delta u = 2$ and the week form is $\int_\Omega u v \, d\Omega = \int_\Omega 2 v \, d\Omega$.

In SfePy I used the following definition:
dw_laplace.i1.Omega(m.val, v, u) = dw_volume_integrate.i1.Omega(f.val, v)
but I got a quite big relative error: 1e-1

But in case I add the minus sign:
dw_laplace.i1.Omega(m.val, v, u) = -dw_volume_integrate.i1.Omega(f.val, v)
the accuracy of the solution becomes very good, the relative error: 1e-3

So my question, why it is necessary to add minus sign before volume integral? Yes, I know that the classical Poisson problem is $u(x) = -f(x)$. May be we assume minus sign implicitly?

The test script demonstrated a problem is in the attachment.
