On 07/31/2015 10:02 PM, Patricia Garcia Cañadilla wrote:
El viernes, 31 de julio de 2015, 21:35:26 (UTC+2), Robert Cimrman escribió:
On 07/31/2015 08:18 PM, Patricia Garcia Cañadilla wrote:
Here they are all the files
Thanks a lot :)
For running "python SimulateCell_phanthom_20150722.py":
Try replacing the line
time_solver.init_time() for out in time_solver(save_results=True, post_process_hook=stress_strain): step, time, state = out
Then the time-stepping solver will run.
Yeees! Now it works :)
Good :)
However, the nonlinear solver does not converge, due to a singular matrix
check your boundary conditions.
Yes, it's true, is because I gave toy the wrong .csv file for elastic modulus, sorry. WIth the correct one converge :)
Random notes: as it is the mesh is read three times (once when executing the file, then when loading it into the Problem and third when the Problem creates the mesh). Try putting moving all code from the module into a function, that will be called in main().
Some a general clean-up might be worth doing :)
Let me know if the above helps.
Thank you very much! Now it works perfect again :)