On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 7:27 PM Anil Kunwar <romagurung33@gmail.com> wrote:
Daniel, How far have you been in coupling linear elasticity with PFM? What are the major challenges in implementing terms for C-H equation in sfepy?
Hi Anil,
Currently, I'm solving the linear elasticity with Sfepy and the phase field with FiPy. I know that is a bit lame, but I'm hoping to solve it all with Sfepy at some point. A link to the code is here, https://github.com/wd15/sfepy-bm4.
The Sfepy part is https://github.com/wd15/sfepy-bm4/blob/master/sfepy_module.py and the FiPy part, https://github.com/wd15/sfepy-bm4/blob/master/fipy_module.py and the code to link them is https://github.com/wd15/sfepy-bm4/blob/master/main.py.
It's almost finished. I need to get the coupling working fully. It will be incredibly slow using this approach, but at least it will give me an answer.
I'll let you know when it's done.
-- Daniel Wheeler