I ran into a little trouble with the hg version:
In [1]: run simple.py input/poisson.py _um=<module 'scikits.umfpack._umfpack' from '/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/scikits/umfpack/_umfpack.pyc'> sfe: warning: other missing: ['functions', 'modules', 'epbc_[0-9]+|epbcs', 'lcbc_[0-9]+|lcbcs', 'nbc_[0-9]+|nbcs'] sfe: reading mesh... sfe: ...done in 0.02 s sfe: setting up domain edges... sfe: ...done in 0.01 s sfe: setting up domain faces... sfe: ...done in 0.01 s sfe: creating regions... sfe: leaf Gamma_Right region_4 sfe: leaf Omega region_1000 sfe: leaf Gamma_Left region_03 sfe: ...done in 0.04 s sfe: equation "Temperature": sfe: dw_laplace.i1.Omega( coef.val, s, t ) = 0 sfe: describing geometries... sfe: ...done in 0.01 s sfe: setting up dof connectivities... sfe: ...done in 0.00 s sfe: using solvers: nls: newton ls: ls sfe: matrix shape: (300, 300) sfe: assembling matrix graph... sfe: ...done in 0.00 s sfe: matrix structural nonzeros: 3538 (3.93e-02% fill) sfe: updating materials... sfe: coef sfe: ...done in 0.00 s just before UMFPACK_CONTROL just after UMFPACK_CONTROL UMFPACK_CONTROL=20 sfe: nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.176265e-01 (rel: 1.000000e+00) sfe: rezidual: 0.00 [s] sfe: solve: 0.00 [s] sfe: matrix: 0.01 [s] sfe: nls: iter: 1, residual: 9.921083e-17 (rel: 8.434392e-16)
<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'> Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/simple.py in <module>() 107 108 if __name__ == '__main__': --> 109 main() 110 111
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/simple.py in main() 100 setOutputPrefix( opts.outputPrefix ) 101 --> 102 dpb, vecDP, data = solveDirect( conf, options ) 103 104 if hasattr( opts, 'postProcessHookFinal' ): # User postprocessing.
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/sfe/solvers/generic.py in solveDirect(conf, options) 227 # Stationary problem. 228 state, data = solveStationaryOP( pb, conf, --> 229 postProcessHook = postProcessHook ) 230 231 if options.dump:
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/sfe/solvers/generic.py in solveStationaryOP(problem, options, saveResults, ts, postProcessHook) 170 171 if saveResults: --> 172 if options.outputFileNameTrunk: 173 ofnTrunk = options.outputFileNameTrunk 174 else:
<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: 'ProblemConf' object has no attribute 'outputFileNameTrunk' WARNING: Failure executing file: <simple.py>
It appears that the problem is that these two lines of generic.py don't seem to agree:
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/sfe/solvers/generic.py(229)solveDirect() 228 state, data = solveStationaryOP( pb, conf, --> 229 postProcessHook = postProcessHook ) 230
ipdb> s --Call--
/home/ryan/svn/sfepy/sfe/solvers/generic.py(165)solveStationaryOP() 164 # c: 13.06.2008, r: 13.06.2008 --> 165 def solveStationaryOP( problem, options, saveResults = True, ts = None, 166 postProcessHook = None ):
The call to solveStationaryOP passes in pb, conf, ... while the function definition expects problem, options, ...
Is this a bug?
Here is the output of runTests.py: In [5]: run runTests.py <<< directory: tests, test files: 22 tests/test_assembling.py +++ test_vector_matrix: ok tests/test_base.py +++ test_structAdd: ok +++ test_structIAdd: ok tests/test_elasticity_small_strain.py +++ test_get_solution: ok +++ test_linear_terms: ok tests/test_input_kostka.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_le.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_navier_stokes.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_octahedron.py nodes: 100% |############################################| Time: 00:00:00 elements: 100% |#########################################| Time: 00:00:00 +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_pfdpm_permeability.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_poisson.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_sinbc.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_input_time_poisson.py +++ test_input: ok tests/test_io.py +++ test_recursiveDictHDF5: ok /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/scipy/sparse/compressed.py:28: DeprecationWarning: dims= is deprecated, use shape= instead warn("dims= is deprecated, use shape= instead", DeprecationWarning) +++ test_sparseMatrixHDF5: ok tests/test_lcbc_2d.py +++ test_linearRigidBodyBC: ok tests/test_lcbc_3d.py +++ test_linearRigidBodyBC: ok tests/test_linear_solvers.py --- test_solvers: failed! tests/test_meshio.py nodes: 100% |############################################| Time: 00:00:00 elements: 100% |#########################################| Time: 00:00:01 +++ test_readMeshes: ok +++ test_compareSameMeshes: ok tests/test_msm_laplace.py +++ test_msm_laplace: ok tests/test_parsing.py +++ test_parseEquations: ok +++ test_parseRegions: ok tests/test_periodic_bc_2d.py +++ test_pbc: ok tests/test_periodic_bc_3d.py +++ test_pbc: ok tests/test_quadratures.py +++ test_problemCreation: ok tests/test_term_consistency.py +++ test_consistency_d_dw: ok 22 test file(s) executed in 34.30 s, 1 failure(s) of 27 test(s)
On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 10:51 AM, Ryan Krauss <ryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
cool. Thanks again. I thought I tried the raw link. I will go the mercurial route.
On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 9:50 AM, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Ryan Krauss <ryan...@gmail.com> wrote:
OK, I think I am almost there. Thanks to emacs regexp search and replace, I was able to fairly easily convert my hackish copy and paste of the code of convert.py as displayed on my screen to the attached python file. But it won't run because I don't have the geom module. Is this from sfepy svn or somewhere else?
Oh, I think I see it now. The geom module and gmsh look like they are part of femgeom. Is that right or is svn sfepy the right answer?
To answer your first question, click on the raw link and you get:
To answer your second question, yes, you need to install mercurial ("apt-get install mercurial" if you use Debian/Ubuntu). This is also needed, so that you can send patches and fixes back to us. :)
Then do
hg clone http://hg.sympy.org/sfepy
and all things will be in there, no external dependencies besides scipy+numpy.