The code checks that certain keywords are not missing. Try using ebcs = {} in the input file.
When I try to run with no boundary conditions I'm getting the error below. Does it lead to a singular matrix or something with no essential boundary conditions?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 113, in <module>
File "", line 104, in main
conf = ProblemConf.from_file_and_options(filename_in, options, required, other)
File "/Users/steve/Development/sfepy/sfepy/base/", line 311, in from_file_and_options
File "/Users/steve/Development/sfepy/sfepy/base/", line 290, in from_file
required, other, verbose, override)
File "/Users/steve/Development/sfepy/sfepy/base/", line 359, in __init__
required=required, other=other)
File "/Users/steve/Development/sfepy/sfepy/base/", line 369, in setup
other_missing = self.validate( required = required, other = other )
File "/Users/steve/Development/sfepy/sfepy/base/", line 421, in validate
raise ValueError('required missing: %s' % required_missing)
ValueError: required missing: ['ebc_[0-9]+|ebcs']
On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 3:10:58 PM UTC-6, Robert Cimrman wrote:
On 06/06/2012 09:40 PM, steve wrote:
> OK.. on to the eigenvalue problem.
> I started with the quantum program... and stripped out all the quantum
> stuff. ;-)
> Basically the acoustics problem is exactly the square well potential (V=0
> everywhere) BUT with different boundary conditions.
> In we've got:
> ebc_1 = {
> 'name' : 'ZeroSurface',
> 'region' : 'Surface',
> 'dofs' : {'Psi.0' : 0.0},
> }
> Which forces psi to be zero on the surface of Omega. Basically Dirichlet
> conditions. For acoustics the velocity potential needs to have no normal
> gradient at the surfaces.. more or less Neumann conditions. Is there an
> easy way to implement that?
What is the exact definition of the velocity potential? If it's really a
Neumann-like boundary integral, having it zero = omitting the term in
equations + no Dirichlet boundary conditions (ebcs) at all.