Update: There was a mistake in naming the materials. With things corrected, however, the problem remains.
I attach the file (oxygen_diffusion.py). Running it results in
ValueError: data of variable are not set! (q, step 0)

When the material parameters are set to constants, the computation runs.
The same happens when using the config-file with `ts` time-stepper, e.g. changing [2] to time-dependent problem (time_field_dependent.py).


On Monday, 6 March 2017 15:01:05 UTC+1, Jan Heczko wrote:

I tried to use this approach ([1]) to solve a diffusion problem with a field-dependent material as in [2], but I got:
ValueError: material data not set! (call time_update())

By adding some print-calls to the material-defining function, I found out that the function gets called, but with mode='special' instead of 'qp'.
As a result None is returned instead of the values that correspond to the initial conditions.

My question(s):
- Is the SimpleTimeSteppingSolver usable for such problem? Is there an example?
- Should I use/implement a different time-stepper?


[2] http://sfepy.org/doc-devel/examples/diffusion/poisson_field_dependent_material.html

On Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:10:50 UTC+1, Robert Cimrman wrote:

I have just updated the time stepping solvers in sfepy for interactive use, as
demonstrated in the new example [1]. For basic use, ignore the probing code -
the time stepper can be used as simply as:

tss = SimpleTimeSteppingSolver({'t0' : 0.0, 't1' : 100.0, 'n_step' : 11},
for step, time, state in tss():


[1] http://sfepy.org/doc-devel/examples/diffusion/time_poisson_interactive.html