Hi Folks,
I'm extremely new to finite elements in general and sfepy in particular, but I have a couple of problems I'm interested in, and I'm hoping that sfepy may provide an easy way to get started. Both of these problems (1 acoustic normal modes in cavities with cylindrical symmetry and 2 electrostatic fields in cavities bounded by various equipotential surfaces) have in common a axisymmetric or cylindrical symmetry. I found this discussion
but I didn't see any real follow up. Has there been more done on this?
also.. I've spent the last couple of days skimming Hughes finite element analysis book to get my head screwed on straight WRT FEM and I found this interesting tidbit:
<http://books.google.com/books? id=cHH2n_qBK0IC&printsec=frontcover&dq=finite%20element%20method %20hughes&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ywHMT- bKBcfK2AWowNzZCw&output=reader&pg=GBS.PA101>
Since heat conduction is extremely similar to electrostatics (and only a term or so different from acoustics) I hoped that it might be possible to get away with a 2D mesh for my problem(s) rather than running a full 3D mesh of the highly symmetric cases. So.. I guess my question is, what's the easiest way to implement this feature in sfepy? Can anyone suggest a path to follow?
thanks! -steve