On 02/06/2012 10:24 AM, Torsten Bronger wrote:
Does anybody have a howto for getting multicore support for SfePy? Something tested on Ubuntu would be ideal but is not necessary. I use umfpack, which needs a BLAS implementation. I suspect the BLAS determines whether all cores are used or only one.
I am quite a new user of kubuntu, so cannot tell... It would be nice to be able to use multiple cores - maybe ask at the scipy mailing list? All we need is to make scipy/numpy use parallel blas.
umfpack's home page recommends GotoBLAS2. While Google finds some pages about installing GotoBLAS2 on Ubuntu, the problem is probably much large because umfpack needs to be told to use it.
Yes, I have no idea how to mix reasonably system-installed packages with your own. It might be better, if you feel like experimenting, to install everything locally. But it's certainly a lot of work.
By the way, a package called "libumfpack5.4.0" is installed on my system. Does SfePy use this? I remember that it installed its own umfpack code ...
If you use ubuntu 11.10 instructions from [1], umfpack will be used. The key package to install is libsuitesparse-dev. It works pretty fast (tests run faster than on gentoo on the same hw), but uses only a single core AFAIK.
[1] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/installation.html#platform-specific-notes