Hi Robert,
I send the error report as attached.
For test_input_linear_elastic_probes.py, I installed vtk and solved the issue.
2016年5月4日水曜日 23時01分24秒 UTC+9 Robert Cimrman:
On 05/04/2016 03:42 PM, pyontaku14 wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> Thank you for your answer.
> I installed 2016.1.
> Though there are 3 failures in the test, I try this version.
> The failures are in eigenvalue_solvers, input_linear_elastic_probes
> and shell10x_cantilever.
Could you run the failed tests separately with --debug flag (see [1]), and send
here the output? I suspect those failures are caused only by missing some
external solvers, but there might be some other problem.
[1] http://sfepy.org/doc-devel/installation.html#testing