Yes, I apply fixation in a specific area. I tested a basic case, and It works fine, but the mesh was in meters.  My case is in mm, so I think the issue is related to the units. Which unit would you use for the density if you are working with MPa (young modulus), and mm for the mesh?

El jue, 27 abr 2023 a las 17:07, Vladimir Lukes (<vlukes@kme.zcu.cz>) escribió:

Zero eigenvalues usually correspond to rigid body motion.
Do you apply any boundary conditions?


On 27. 04. 23 13:29, J. Sanz wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a problem when running a modal simulation. There is not error, but the number of eingenvalues found is zero.
> May be the problem is realed to the units.  The mesh is in mm, and young modulus is MPa (N,mm), poisson is adimensional.
> My question is the next, which units shoud have rho, Tons/mm3 or Kg/mm^3?
> Thanks,
> Jesus Sanz
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