

During my installation of the latest version of sfepy from source (GitHub repo) in Windows, I ran the command to test the various modules. I found that one test had failed, the one for test_homogenization_perfusion.py. I ran the test in raise mode and the output is show below.


P.S.: I installed all of the optional dependencies except igakit, petsc4py, slepc4py, pymetis, scikits.umfpack and pysparse.


I hope this helps. Let me know if you need any other details.



Roshan Suresh Kumar


<<< directory: tests, test files: 1

<<< [1] tests\test_homogenization_perfusion.py

[1] sfepy: left over: ['__name__', '__doc__', '__package__', '__loader__', '__spec__', '__file__', '__cached__', '__builtins__', 'print_function', 'absolute_import', 'six', 'input_name', 'TestCommon', 'verbose', '_filename']

>>> test instance prepared (1 test(s))

run_tests.py:105: DeprecationWarning: time.clock has been deprecated in Python 3.3 and will be removed from Python 3.8: use time.perf_counter or time.process_time instead

  tt = time.clock()


[1] sfepy: left over: ['__name__', '__doc__', '__package__', '__loader__', '__spec__', '__file__', '__cached__', '__builtins__', 'absolute_import', 'match_x_plane', 'match_y_plane', 'cb', 'nm', 'data_dir', 'six', 'range', 'get_mats', 'recovery_perf', 'geoms', 'pb_def', 'eps0', 'param_h', 'aux', 'ch', 'val', 'all_periodicYM', 'all_periodicY', 'reg_io', 'ebcs_eta', 'ebcs_gamma', 'ch2', 'val2', 'aux_bY', 'i_io', 'io', 'ion', 'matk1', 'matk2', 'ipm', 'ireg', 'coefs', 'requirements', 'ipm2', 'get_channel', 'set_corrpis', 'set_corr_S', 'set_corr_cc', 'i_io2', 'io2', 'io12', 'verbose', '_filename']

homogen: reading mesh [line2, tri3, quad4, tetra4, hexa8] (C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\meshes\3d\perfusion_micro3d.mesh)...

homogen: ...done in 0.12 s

homogen: creating regions...

homogen:     Y

homogen:     YM

homogen:     Pl

homogen:     Pr

homogen:     Pn

homogen:     Pf

homogen:     bYm

homogen:     bYp

homogen:     YA

homogen:     fixedYA

homogen:     YB

homogen:     fixedYB

homogen:     PlYM

homogen:     PrYM

homogen:     PnYM

homogen:     PfYM

homogen:     bYMA

homogen:     PlYA

homogen:     PrYA

homogen:     PnYA

homogen:     PfYA

homogen:     bYA_1

homogen:     bYA_2

homogen:     bYA_3

homogen:     bYMB

homogen:     PlYB

homogen:     PrYB

homogen:     PnYB

homogen:     PfYB

homogen:     bYB_1

homogen:     bYB_2

homogen:     bYB_3

homogen:     bYMp

homogen:     bYMm

homogen:     bYA

homogen:     bYB

homogen:     bYMpm

homogen:     bYMchs

homogen:     bYA_n1

homogen:     bYA_n2

homogen:     bYA_n3

homogen:     bYB_n1

homogen:     bYB_n2

homogen:     bYB_n3

homogen:     YMmchs

homogen: ...done in 0.25 s

homogen: using solvers:

                ts: no ts

               nls: newton

                ls: ls

he: computing dependency corrs_gamma_m...

he:   equation "eq_gamma_pm":

he:   dw_diffusion.iV.YM(mat2M.k, qM, pM) =

                             1.000000e+00 * dw_surface_integrate.iS.bYMm(qM)

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   setting up dof connectivities...

he:   ...done in 0.01 s

he:   matrix shape: (1992, 1992)

he:   assembling matrix graph...

he:   ...done in 0.01 s

he:   matrix structural nonzeros: 25154 (6.34e-03% fill)

he:   updating materials...

he:       mat2M

he:   ...done in 0.03 s

he:   using solvers:

                ts: no ts

               nls: newton

                ls: ls

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   updating materials...

he:       mat2M

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he:   nls: iter: 0, residual: 6.480876e-02 (rel: 1.000000e+00)

he:     residual:    0.04 [s]

he:       matrix:    0.03 [s]

he:        solve:    0.09 [s]

he:   nls: iter: 1, residual: 3.816937e-16 (rel: 5.889539e-15)

he:   solved in 1 steps in 0.38 seconds

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_total...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_volume.iV.Y(vol_all)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_one...

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYMp...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYMp(pM)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYp...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYp(vol_all)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYMm...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYMm(pM)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYm...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYm(vol_all)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYA_1...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYA_1(pA)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYA_2...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYA_2(pA)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYA_3...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYA_3(pA)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYB_1...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYB_1(pB)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYB_2...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYB_2(pB)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Volume_bYB_3...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   d_surface.iS.bYB_3(pB)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing Hmp...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   ev_surface_integrate.iS.bYMp(corr_M)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing dependency corrs_gamma_p...

he:   equation "eq_gamma_pm":

he:   dw_diffusion.iV.YM(mat2M.k, qM, pM) =

                             1.000000e+00 * dw_surface_integrate.iS.bYMp(qM)

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   setting up dof connectivities...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he:   matrix shape: (1992, 1992)

he:   assembling matrix graph...

he:   ...done in 0.01 s

he:   matrix structural nonzeros: 25154 (6.34e-03% fill)

he:   updating materials...

he:       mat2M

he:   ...done in 0.03 s

he:   using solvers:

                ts: no ts

               nls: newton

                ls: ls

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   updating materials...

he:       mat2M

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he:   nls: iter: 0, residual: 7.140562e-02 (rel: 1.000000e+00)

he:     residual:    0.01 [s]

he:       matrix:    0.04 [s]

he:        solve:    0.09 [s]

he:   nls: iter: 1, residual: 3.887365e-16 (rel: 5.444059e-15)

he:   solved in 1 steps in 0.37 seconds

he: ...done

he: computing Hpm...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   ev_surface_integrate.iS.bYMm(corr_M)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing dependency corrs_etaA...

he:   equation "eq_eta":

he:   dw_diffusion.iV.YM(mat2M.k, qM, pM) = 0

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   setting up dof connectivities...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he:   matrix shape: (1992, 1992)

he:   assembling matrix graph...

he:   ...done in 0.01 s

he:   matrix structural nonzeros: 25154 (6.34e-03% fill)

he:   updating materials...

he:       mat2M

he:   ...done in 0.02 s

he:   using solvers:

                ts: no ts

               nls: newton

                ls: ls

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   updating materials...

he:       mat2M

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he:   nls: iter: 0, residual: 1.862908e-01 (rel: 1.000000e+00)

he:     residual:    0.01 [s]

he:       matrix:    0.03 [s]

he:        solve:    0.09 [s]

he:   nls: iter: 1, residual: 4.052551e-16 (rel: 2.175390e-15)

he:   solved in 1 steps in 0.35 seconds

he: ...done

he: computing EmA...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   ev_surface_integrate.iS.bYMm(corr_M)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing dependency corrs_gamma_B_1...

he:   equation "eq_gamma":

he:   dw_diffusion.iV.YB(mat2B.k, qB, pB)

                                   + dw_volume_dot.iV.YB(qB, lsB)

                                   = 1.000000e+00 * dw_surface_integrate.iS.bYB_1(qB)

he:   equation "eq_imv":

he:   dw_volume_dot.iV.YB(lvB, pB) = 0

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   setting up dof connectivities...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he:   lcbc: imvB

he:   dofs: total 1406, free 694, constrained 712, new 1

he:    -> active 695

he:   matrix shape: (1406, 1406)

he:   assembling matrix graph...

he:   ...done in 0.01 s

he:   matrix structural nonzeros: 22052 (1.12e-02% fill)

he:   updating materials...

he:       mat2B

he:   ...done in 0.01 s

he:   using solvers:

                ts: no ts

               nls: newton

                ls: ls

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   lcbc: imvB

he:   dofs: total 1406, free 694, constrained 712, new 1

he:    -> active 695

he:   updating variables...

he:   ...done

he:   lcbc: imvB

he:   dofs: total 1406, free 694, constrained 712, new 1

he:    -> active 695

he:   updating materials...

he:       mat2B

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he:   nls: iter: 0, residual: 9.945233e-03 (rel: 1.000000e+00)

he:     residual:    0.01 [s]

he:       matrix:    0.01 [s]

he:        solve:    0.01 [s]

he:   nls: iter: 1, residual: 2.133885e-16 (rel: 2.145636e-14)

he:   solved in 1 steps in 0.13 seconds

he: ...done

he: computing RB_2_1...

he:   equation "tmp":

he:   ev_surface_integrate.iS.bYB_2(corr1_B)

he:   updating materials...

he:   ...done in 0.00 s

he: ...done

he: computing dependency corrs_oneB...

he: ...done

he: computing dependency corrs_etaB...

he:   equation "eq_eta":

he:   dw_diffusion.iV.YM(mat2M.k, qM, pM) = 0

>>> <class 'ValueError'>

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "run_tests.py", line 234, in <module>


  File "run_tests.py", line 223, in main

    run_tests(stats, dirname, [filename])

  File "run_tests.py", line 144, in run_tests

    stats[0] + 1)

  File "run_tests.py", line 108, in run_test


  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\base\testing.py", line 67, in run

    ret = test_method()

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\tests\test_homogenization_perfusion.py", line 51, in test_solution

    coefs = app()

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\applications\application.py", line 29, in call_basic

    return self.call(**kwargs)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\homogenization\homogen_app.py", line 174, in call

    aux = self.he(ret_all=ret_all, time_tag=time_tag)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\applications\application.py", line 29, in call_basic

    return self.call(**kwargs)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\homogenization\engine.py", line 729, in call

    self.app_options.store_micro_idxs, time_tag)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\homogenization\engine.py", line 107, in __call__


  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\homogenization\engine.py", line 281, in calculate_req

    chunk_tab, 'reqs', proc_id)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\homogenization\engine.py", line 149, in calculate

    val = mini_app(data=data)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\homogenization\coefs_base.py", line 459, in __call__


  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\discrete\problem.py", line 525, in set_equations


  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\discrete\equations.py", line 66, in from_conf

    materials, integrals, user=user)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\discrete\equations.py", line 772, in from_desc

    terms.assign_args(variables, materials, user)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\terms\terms.py", line 299, in assign_args

    term.assign_args(variables, materials, user)

  File "C:\Users\rosha\Desktop\SEAK Lab\KDDDMM\sfepy-master\sfepy\terms\terms.py", line 512, in assign_args

    raise ValueError('argument %s not found!' % arg_name)

ValueError: argument qM not found!


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