Hi David,
On 01/13/2014 03:35 PM, David N. Mashburn wrote:
Ok, I've managed to make the functions work, but now I'm having trouble getting the time stepper work. I am using the direct-style script (so that it runs stand-alone, without simple.py). This has worked out great so far, but I cannot find a good way to run the time solver without a ProblemConf. Is there a recommended way to solve time-dependent problems in the direct style?
It depends on what level you want to do the time-stepping. Do you want to write down the time-loop yourself? Or do you just want to setup and call the standard implicit time-stepper? In the latter case, you would need to create the time solver, specifically a SimpleTimeSteppingSolver instance (see sfepy/solvers/ts_solvers.py), similarly to how you created the Newton solver and then just call it.
I could go into a lot more specifics about things that I've tried, so let me know if you need more information.
It might help, see above :)
Thanks, -David
On 01/10/2014 07:02 AM, Robert Cimrman wrote: Hello David,
On 01/10/2014 10:51 AM, David N. Mashburn wrote: Hello again Robert,
I'm finally coming back around to this project.
I see that using a time stepper with gradual load increase is the way to go for a very large deformation solution; is there a recommended way to go about this in sfepy? Is there a way to implement an increasing variable into the built-in time solver, or is it better to run the simulation in a python loop and modify the inputs manually?
Have a look at the perfusion example [1] - there is a pressure traction term with pressure depending on time (function get_traction()). Ignore the variables and terms you do not need - the traction is applied using dw_tl_surface_traction term. Let me know if this helps.
I am also not clear on whether the original mesh is suitable for every time step or if it will need to be updated.
The total Lagrangian formulation integrates over the undeformed domain, and it should work up to a pretty large deformation. Be sure the mesh is fine enough, and that the load increments are such that the nonlinear solver in each time step converges. When you have your problem description written down, send me the complete example in case of convergence problems.
Cheers, r.
[1] http://sfepy.org/doc-devel/examples/large_deformation/perfusion_tl.html
On 02/23/2013 06:13 AM, Robert Cimrman wrote: Hi David,
On 02/22/2013 06:40 PM, David Mashburn wrote: Thanks Robert, that already helps a lot. Glad to know it is a non-trivial question.
We are actually trying to cross-check some analytical solutions, so I would like to get this to work at least to some degree of confidence.
Do you think that those would be a good tests to add to sfepy test suite? Certainly.
I've tried swapping out a simple neohookean system with bulk penalty and all that like in the example. A warp violation seems to be causing an exception after one iteration with a nominal amount of stress.
I've been digging through the nonlinear solver's parameters and can't find a way to shrink the initial step size. The other work-around I can think of is to use a time stepper to gradually increase the stress. Is there another/easier way to do this?
Yes, this is the way to do it - use time stepping to increase the load gradually. I am not aware of other ways. In nonlinear analysis with the Newton solver, a good initial guess is required. Ok, that makes sense now.
Also, is it normal for a system with a fairly large deformation to throw a warp violation and then still recover afterwards (if so, then maybe this exception is a bug?)
How does it recover? I assume it just throws off the warped solution and the nonlinear iteration does not converge, right? Right. r.