Hi Robert,

Yes, the current master now works perfect with such meshes. Thank you!

Just for you information. The current master fails two tests:
---   test_continuity: failed!
---   test_gradients: failed!


On Wednesday, September 26, 2012 1:48:47 PM UTC+4, Robert Cimrman wrote:
On 09/25/2012 10:20 PM, Robert Cimrman wrote:
> Hi Alec,
> On 09/25/2012 08:23 PM, Alec Kalinin wrote:
>> Hello SfePy,
>> I have found the reason of error! The mesh file was generated in Gmsh tool
>> and contains the nodes that were not a part of any tetra. So these
>> standalone nodes were the reason of the singular matrix.
> It's good you found the reason.
>> I think, there are two ways to avoid this error:
>> 1. Write a simple python script that preproceses mesh file and remove
>> standalone nodes.
>> 2. Write a simple python script that preproceses mesh file and add proper
>> group number to the nodes. Then in problem description file we can use the
>> node selection code like 'nodes of group 1'.
> It could be made so that 1. is done in sfepy sutomatically, also giving a
> warning when such a situation occurs. I will try to fix this soon.

The current master should work with such meshes now.
