Hi Andre,

the time history terms *th were neglected during the easier_terms and cython updates. I have planned to update them next week or so as I need them working again. So wait please a few days, I will try to fix them asap.


----- Reply message -----
From: "freevryheid" <free...@gmail.com>
To: <sfep...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Revisit viscoelastic materials
Date: Sun, Jan 29, 2012 13:44

No examples or tests for the dw_lin_elastic_th or dw_lin_elastic_eth terms. Attached problem fails with the following error. Any suggestions to point me in the right direction.


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/grassy/sfepy/simple.py in <module>()
    124 if __name__ == '__main__':
--> 125     main()

/home/grassy/sfepy/simple.py in main()
    120         parametric_hook = conf.get_function(opts.parametric_hook)
    121         app.parametrize( parametric_hook )
--> 122     app()
    124 if __name__ == '__main__':

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/applications/application.pyc in call_basic(self, **kwargs)
     28     def call_basic( self, **kwargs ):
---> 29         return self.call( **kwargs )
     31     def call_parametrized( self, **kwargs ):

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/applications/simple_app.pyc in call(self)
    115                             post_process_hook=self.post_process_hook,
    116                             post_process_hook_final=self.post_process_hook_final,
--> 117                             pre_process_hook=self.pre_process_hook)
    119         return out

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/solvers/generic.pyc in solve_direct(conf, options, problem, step_hook, post_process_hook, post_process_hook_final, pre_process_hook, nls_status)
    214                                       step_hook=step_hook,
    215                                       post_process_hook=post_process_hook,
--> 216                                       nls_status=nls_status)
    217     else:
    218         ##

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/solvers/generic.pyc in solve_evolutionary_op(problem, save_results, return_history, step_hook, post_process_hook, nls_status)
    135     ii = 0
--> 136     for ts, state in time_solver( state0 ):
    138         if step_hook is not None:

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/solvers/ts.pyc in __call__(self, state0, conf, step_fun, step_args)
    189             output( self.format % (time, step + 1, self.ts.n_step) )
--> 191             state = step_fun( self.ts, state0, *step_args )
    192             state0 = state.copy(deep=True)
    193             yield self.ts, state

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/solvers/generic.pyc in time_step_function(ts, state0, problem, nls_status)
     80             ev = problem.get_evaluator()
     81             try:
---> 82                 vec_r = ev.eval_residual(state(), is_full=True)
     83             except ValueError:
     84                 output('initial residual evaluation failed, giving up...')

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/fem/evaluate.pyc in eval_residual(self, vec, is_full)
     50         try:
     51             pb = self.problem
---> 52             vec_r = pb.equations.eval_residuals(vec)
     54         except StopIteration, exc:

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/fem/equations.pyc in eval_residuals(self, state, by_blocks, names)
    560             out = self.create_stripped_state_vector()
--> 562             self.evaluate(mode='weak', dw_mode='vector', asm_obj=out)
    564         return out

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/fem/equations.pyc in evaluate(self, mode, dw_mode, term_mode, asm_obj)
    503         for eq in self:
    504             eout = eq.evaluate(mode=mode, dw_mode=dw_mode, term_mode=term_mode,
--> 505                                asm_obj=asm_obj)
    506             if mode != 'weak':
    507                 out[eq.name] = eout

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/fem/equations.pyc in evaluate(self, mode, dw_mode, term_mode, asm_obj)
    730                                                       term_mode=term_mode,
    731                                                       standalone=False,
--> 732                                                       ret_status=True)
    733                     term.assemble_to(asm_obj, val, iels, mode=dw_mode)

/home/grassy/sfepy/sfepy/terms/terms.pyc in evaluate(self, mode, diff_var, standalone, ret_status, **kwargs)
   1502                 _args = tuple(args) + (mode, term_mode, diff_var)
-> 1503                 fargs = self.get_fargs(*_args, **kwargs)
   1505                 n_elr, n_qpr, dim, n_enr, n_cr = self.get_data_shape(varr)

TypeError: get_fargs() takes at most 3 arguments (8 given)

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