could this be useful? I do not see license at the package site...
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [SciPy-User] Announcement: Self-contained Python module to write binary VTK files. Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2010 09:45:29 +0100 From: Paulo Herrera <pauloa....@gmail.com> Reply-To: SciPy Users List <scipy...@scipy.org> To: scipy...@scipy.org
Hello everyone,
This is my first post to this list.
I would like to announce the first release of a Python module I wrote to export scientific data to binary VTK files. The source code for the module can be downloaded from its Mercurial repository at bitbucket. To get a copy, type on terminal window:
hg clone https://pauloh@bitbucket.org/pauloh/pyevtk
PyEVTK (Python Export VTK) package allows exporting data to binary VTK files for visualization and data analysis with any of the visualization packages that support VTK files, e.g. Paraview, VisIt and Mayavi. EVTK does not depend on any external library (e.g. VTK), so it is easy to install in different systems.
The package is composed of a set of Python files and a small C/Cython library that provides performance critical routines. PyEVTK provides low and high level interfaces. While the low level interface can be used to export data that is stored in any type of container, the high level functions make easy to export data stored in Numpy arrays. In addition, it provides a helper class to create pvd files that can be imported into Paraview to visualize time dependent data series.
PyEVTK is released under the GPL 3 open source license. A copy of the license is included in the src directory.
Please see below for an example of how to use the high level routines. More examples are included in the package.
I hope you will find this package useful and I look forward to getting your feedback.
High-level interface example:
from evtk.hl import imageToVTK import numpy as np
# Dimensions nx, ny, nz = 6, 6, 2 ncells = nx * ny * nz npoints = (nx + 1) * (ny + 1) * (nz + 1)
# Variables pressure = np.random.rand(ncells).reshape( (nx, ny, nz), order = 'C') temp = np.random.rand(npoints).reshape( (nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1))
imageToVTK("./image", cellData = {"pressure" : pressure}, pointData = {"temp" : temp} )
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