I am trying to create a .mesh file as an input to SfePy, and all the links I can find for it in google are broken, for example: http://www-rocq.inria.fr/gamma/medit
Looking at simple.mesh, the format seems fairly straight forward. After a couple of header lines, it seems to contain coordinates of vertices. I assume this are X Y Z, but I don't understand the 4th column which is always 0. Then there are a bunch of lines describing tetrahedrons. I assume these are being described based on numbers assigned to vertices. But again there is an extra final column I don't understand. One tetrahedron row seems to contain 4 vertices and then the number 6. What does the 6 represent?
So, I am slightly stuck. Can anyone direct me to documentation on .mesh files? Also, are there free utilities or Python scripts for generating them? I don't want to reinvent the wheel and might go a little crazy trying to visualize too many tetrahedra. I don't want to reinvent the wheel.