I'm attaching a start to this script... I'm not really familiar with OptionParser, but wanted to do something with this while it was fresh on my mind. Either I or someone else can clean it up later...
Thanks, -David
On 03/06/2012 04:09 AM, Robert Cimrman wrote:
On 03/06/2012 01:28 AM, David Mashburn wrote:
BTW, I was not as familiar with quadrature, so I made a small visualizer for the different quadrature tables (I know the formatting will probably get eaten, but you should still get the idea):
Thanks, I will check it when I get to a computer.
Nice, do you think it would be useful to have the images in the docs?
??? You know your audience better than I do; the only advantage I see (other than for people rusty on quadrature) is for people to quickly see which element types are supported, but you already show that.
Ok. I thought that if it was interesting for you, it might be interesting for others.
Feel free to use code and/or images if you think it would help, though.
I would like to add it to a new script/plot_quadrature.py - but for that the quad_type and order should be given on command line (using optparse) and I would prefer using matplotlib even for 3D plots [1], as Mayavi does not interact well with matplotlib on some systems (mine included), and for drawing a bunch of points it's an overkill. I do not have time to do it, and it seems like an easy task for anyone, so patches welcome!
[1] http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/mpl_toolkits/mplot3d/tutorial.html