On 08/14/2013 09:08 PM, Ankit Mahato wrote:
yes R the sizes are same.
Something very strange happened, when I used ipython to run it in debug mode ... It completed the simulation and gave me the output.
black magic at work!
again when I ran via python command it threw the error.
How is it possible? :O
no idea... could you run it in gdb, as:
gdb --args python convective_diffusive.py then "run" at the gdb prompt.
Then try printing the sizes in C.
On Wednesday, 14 August 2013 21:14:40 UTC+5:30, Robert Cimrman wrote:
Any luck?
BTW. does the code work for a 3D mesh? But firstly try the following:
The convect_build_vtg(): ERR_Switch message means that the dim variable (should be space dimension) is not 2 or 3, which should not happen.
set a debugger breakpoint in ConvectTerm.get_fargs() just above the return statement. Use "from sfepy.base.base import debug; debug()" for an ipython-based pdb shell.
print shapes as follows: 124 from sfepy.base.base import debug; debug() --> 125 return grad, val_qp, vg, fmode 126
ipdb> grad.shape (5000, 9, 2, 2) ipdb> val_qp.shape (5000, 9, 2, 1) ipdb> fmode False ipdb> print vg CMapping: mode: volume, n_el 5000, n_qp 9, dim: 2, n_ep: 9 ipdb> print vg.bf vg.bf vg.bfg ipdb> print vg.bfg.shape (5000, 9, 2, 9) ipdb> c convdiff: nls: iter: 0, residual: 2.002082e-02 (rel: 1.000000e+00)
...sfepy-git/sfepy/terms/termsNavierStokes.py(125)get_fargs() 124 from sfepy.base.base import debug; debug() --> 125 return grad, val_qp, vg, fmode 126
ipdb> grad.shape (5000, 9, 2, 2) ipdb> val_qp.shape (5000, 9, 2, 1) ipdb> fmode True ipdb> print vg CMapping: mode: volume, n_el 5000, n_qp 9, dim: 2, n_ep: 9 ipdb> print vg.bfg.shape (5000, 9, 2, 9) ipdb> c convdiff: rezidual: 0.14 [s] convdiff: solve: 3.57 [s] convdiff: matrix: 0.60 [s] convdiff: linear system not solved! (err = 3.600155e-03 < 1.000000e-10)
...sfepy-git/sfepy/terms/termsNavierStokes.py(125)get_fargs() 124 from sfepy.base.base import debug; debug() --> 125 return grad, val_qp, vg, fmode 126
Are your sizes same as the above?
On 08/11/2013 07:51 PM, Robert Cimrman wrote:
Hi Ankit,
On Sat, 10 Aug 2013, Ankit Mahato wrote:
Hi R,
I tried mem_checkIntegrity inside the functions but it is not printing any debugging result.
Am I adding it correctly?
Use the macro without arguments (see sfepy/fem/extmods/common.h for definition):
and do not forget to rebuild the sources.
After adding it to convect_build_vtg()
... default: errput( ErrHead "ERR_Switch\n" ); return( RET_Fail ); } check_memory_integrity(); return( RET_OK ); } ...
and typing "make", I get tons of
checking memory integrity in sfepy/terms/extmods, sfepy/terms/extmods/termsNavierStokes.c, convect_build_vtg(), 476: allocated memory: 8 records, usage: 52032, max: 52032 memory OK.
- trying with the examples/navier_stokes/navier_stokes2d.py
Also try changing the debug flags in site_cfg.py:
debug_flags = '-DDEBUG_FMF'
or even
debug_flags = '-DDEBUG_FMF -DDEBUG_MESH'