Hi All,
We are working on the sfepy for about a month. First of all I would like to thank all the developers.
For an example application we have handled a hollow thin cylinder which is subjected to inner pressure.
We have created below files for mesh and run.
But we have some simple questions :).
Our first question is the thickness of the 2_3 Triangular shell elements. We could not find a place the enter the thickness of the tria elements. Sfepy is working quite well with out a thickness input :). But it would be great if we can type it some how...
The second question is about the element orientation. For the same study we are creating a mesh on some other mesher programs and convert the mesh to *.mesh file. But sfepy is throwing Bad Element Orientation! error for this nice mesh :). The only work around could done but using different element size for the same geometry. With enough elements sfepy could re-orient the elements successfully. But we are helpless on using a 3 dimensional geometry. sfepy simply does not re orient the mesh even for different size of elements... :)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
rc, keep up the good work! Thanks,
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