Hi Logan,
I have already fixed the paths and example names everywhere I noticed them.
Thanks for the edits! I have applied your changes, see our master repo. There was a slight problem: the sfepy_gui.png image was missing, so I put there a temporary one - see [1]. Could you add the correct image?
thanks! r.
Logan Sorenson wrote:
Hi All,
I updated the tutorial a bit and made some minor edits to the introduction and user's guide. It looks like we need to update the file names and paths in the user's guide. You can grab the doc changes from my github repo at [2].
Thanks! Logan
On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 4:52 AM, Robert Cimrman <cimr...@ntc.zcu.cz> wrote:
thanks to Logan's effort, there is now a PDF version of the docs, see [1].
The term table is still a bit bloated though. To fix that, we can either shorten some very long class names and the formal term argument names, and/or include less information into the PDF version of the table (e.g. just name, link and definition). Is there a way in sphinx for selective docs generation based on the target format (html vs. latex vs....)?
[1] http://docs.sfepy.org/doc-devel/ [2] http://github.com/logansorenson/sfepy_doc2