Hi osman,
thanks for the report!
osman wrote:
On Tue, 2009-04-14 at 10:11 +0200, Robert Cimrman wrote:
Hi all,
To try it out, clone the sfepy git repository as described at [1]. You also need ETS (mayavi2) [2].
Bug reports welcome! r. Hi Robert, I just cloned a new copy. Looks like some of the mesh test files are missing (abaqus ones). Also cube.bdf is misspelled cude.bdf. After correcting for these, I am getting one failure from the tests:
Yes, this is known, but I am waiting for new (smaller) abaqus meshes to include into the repository. It should be ok for the next release (to be soon).
tests/test_input_biot_npbc.py --- test_input: failed!
This is imho related to your scipy version. I have used .find() sparse matrix method, which had been apparently added only recently. To verify this, try
./runTests.py tests/test_input_biot_npbc.py --debug
I have ubuntu 8.04 64 bit, and have installed mayavi and mayavi2. They both work, but ./postproc.py output-tests/test_poisson.vtk does not: ./postproc.py output-tests/test_poisson.vtk Traceback (most recent call last): File "./postproc.py", line 38, in <module> main() File "./postproc.py", line 35, in main view(is_3d=options.is_3d, rel_scaling=options.rel_scaling) File "/home/osman/SFE/sfepy/sfepy/postprocess/viewer.py", line 61, in __call__ mlab.options.offscreen = self.offscreen enthought.traits.trait_errors.TraitError: Cannot set the undefined 'offscreen' attribute of a 'MayaviConfig' object.
Does it work when you comment that line (61) out? It is a feature that is in ets-3.1.0 (mayavi2 3.1.0).
Thanks! r.