Hi, Hugo Thanks for the code you shared for the paticular problem. you shared some points to be considered during conversion of file to vtk format for diferent regions problem as: 1. Define Physical Groups for your different regions in Gmsh 2. Save the mesh as a .vtk file 3. "Convert" this file into a new .vtk that is more friendly for Sfepy Here, I want to ask about the (new .vtk)? Is this a file format like .msh or .vtk, i didn't able to get it either new .vtk is anyfile name i will choose or its new version of file format does Sfepy Support. ("Convert" this file into a new .vtk that is more friendly for Sfepy): It seems a bit confusing to me.
Any lead or help will be highly appreciated Thank you for your help!
Himalaya Singh Machine Design Department of Mechanical Engineering, IITMadras